Looking Ahead

Scott S. Manhart
5 min readNov 24, 2020

What Biden Harris revolution will bring

As Biden & Harris prepare their in coming administration, many are speculating on what the next four years may bring. At least in the broad brush stroke this is rather straightforward given the long history of these two on the political stage.

Civil unrest

If you thought the unrest that has characterized the last 18 months is going to become in a distant memory associated only with “orange man bad”, think again. In voting for our incoming president you have a legitimized the use of contrived violence as a tool to sway the public into handing over even the most basic of freedoms in exchange for ever elusive safety. Be clear, the black shirts are coming to your neighborhood, now under the full protection of the administrative state. You will bend the knee and thank them for it.


Inequality will only increase from here although the statistics will be hidden from you. The agenda of the World Economic Forum is coming to your door. You remember all that hard work and savings that were to fund your retirement? Forget that, how dare you think your could actually support yourself. In the name of equity, your pension will be rolled into Social Security. However, such will not apply to government workers as their retirement plans will remain separate and not count against their Social Security and you will pay for all of it.

Would that be your only problem. Modern Monetary Theory which is anything but modern, will come to rule the day. The aristocrats claim they can print as much currency as they wish to meet their infinite demands. Please note, they will print only currency, not value. Under this scheme termed a Cantillon Economy, people with assets will become further enriched while the bottom 95% will languish. The resulting devaluation of currency will leave your share of MMT adequate to purchase two loaves of bread and a pint of bad vodka. In this you will be lucky in that it’s two loaves, not one. Though that will be coming.

Personal freedom:

Simply put, it’s gone. Going forward you will find the circle that is your life increasingly restricted by a spiral of ever increasing rules, regulations, licenses and permits. “Your papers please” will become the common refrain. Much like the Chineses police state model, your success will depend on the inclusion of the appropriate governmental representatives in your endeavors. This will reduce your life to prostrating yourself for political connections as it will be the only route available to rise out of the Mud and Daub. The Leviathan will speak and you will listen!

Special consideration for revolutionaries and useful fools:

Once ensconced in power, the last thing a revolution needs is revolutionaries and fools. Look to history to see how fast the true believers were purged from similar compassionate uprisings. A word to the wise, become a crypto nomad or the equivalent lest you find you are reduced to harvesting potatoes on a communal farm in North Dakota.

Environmental and social pathologies

Again your vote has legitimized these useful tools. The hyperboic claims to imminent doom will only increase as never ending array of imaginary hobgoblins will be set against you. Rest assured that experts in “the science“, experts determined by the non-experts in political office, will provide a dizzying array of research to assure even the most skeptical that increasingly the sky is falling and it is only your support of the aristocratic class that keeps these innumerable threats at bay. Research indicating anything to the contrary to will not disrupt your day as it will simply not be allowed save for the creation a singular ubiquitous unseen enemy, a version of Emanuel Goldstein, lets call them “Deniers” upon whom you can vent your two minutes of hate.


If you are in big tech, your life is made. Make no mistake those currently holding political power owe their existence to big technology firms. These new Robber Barons rule the day, for the moment. In reality they are just a smiling little girl riding a tiger, a soon to be riderless, smiling tiger. Just as the German industrialists who made deals with the National Socialists in 1933 discovered, so to these tech industrialist will find fleeting the control they claim on the political process. The state will turn on them as these powerful tools of social manipulation and coercion cannot be permitted to remain in private hands.


By supporting the incoming administration you have put your fate in the hands of people who do not give a damn if you take one more breath. As the philosophical inheritors of the Club of Rome, “barriers to care” and depopulation will be the buzz word inside the halls of government. As so aptly put in the Wizard of Oz “the question is how to do it, these things must be done delicately”. A form of Health Credit Score will ultimately come to rule your quality of life, access to healthcare, and ultimately how long you live. The primary determinant will be age followed by other yet to be determined oppressions. If you are too young or too old, treatment options will simply not be discussed. Waiting lists will provide the stock upon which the grim reaper will feed.

Look no further than the Covid crisis to see the foundational elements of this plan. While we can despair over the somewhat untimely death of 250K Americans, this number will pale in comparison to the millions who will pass due to the sequelae of lockdowns creating starvation in poor countries and failure to diagnose diseases in early treatable stages among wealthy nations. COVID is your primer to political healthcare: i.e. Covid Deaths Matter! All others do not.

This health equity will not apply to the new aristocracy. They will continue to enjoy all the benefits and the latest life comforting & life sustaining technology and you will pay for it. Who knows, you or your children may be lucky enough to be farmed for organs so the self-anointed may continue to thrive. Lucky you! The poetic karma in this corruption is the pathetic Baby Boomers who have spent their lives demanding this grand equity will be its first victim’s. Well played Boomer, you have simultaneously solved both the Medicare and Social Security unfunded mandate issue. The new motto of National Health: Die Early, Die Often!


As is all too common, in the name of equity, the meat has voted for its meat grinder. Just as breaking eggs is essential to omelette making, the new aristocracy will cure you of the toxic individuality that, in their mind, was the foundational error of the enlightenment. Your return to the digital equivalent of the Motte and Bailey is assured. You will work while aristocracy eats. In exchange they will provide assurance that, as in the words of Roger Watters, “just like ashes and diamonds, foe and friend, we are all equal in the end”.

